FaceTime Auto-Answer Setup

Apple did not put any whitelist option in FaceTime preferences to auto-answer calls.

For some people it might be convenient to achieve such behaviour. i.e. Call the home computer to check on the dog. Or just because you miss home and you want to see if there is anything to see. Use FaceTime as a surveillance system for one’s home.

Although there is no easy option for this, embedded into FaceTime, the parameters to do so exist, and they can be modified with some terminal commands. It would be cool if somebody did an app just to manage that.

Here a link with self-explanatory instructions. I will continue this post after I try it.



Sound server

The idea is to have a linux server (raspberry pi, eepc, etc) connected to and audio system and be able to send sound from your personal laptop via network (LAN or Wifi).

  1. Install Airfoil on your Mac OS / PC.
  2. Install the AirfoilSpeakers on the linux system:

For the step 2 do the following:
wget http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/download/AirfoilSpeakersLinux.all.deb
sudo dpkg -i AirfoilSpeakersLinux.all.deb

If you get an error saying missing libraries, simply run
apt-get -f

Not the best way, but it works, I guess. Then run again
sudo dpkg -i AirfoilSpeakersLinux.all.deb

Good to go! Execute airfoilspeakers on the server. Open Airfoil on your computer and choose the app you what to connect the output to the server.


Troubleshooting … If there is no sound check the server can reproduce sound. Run this on the server side:

sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav

If not: Do the following steps from here described below:

sudo apt-get install libasound2
sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
sudo apt-get install mplayer

and then added my user to the audio group

sudo usermod -a -G audio myusername

After these operations I opened amixer and did rise all outputs to 100% on. The problem is that I still cannot have any audio output. I know for sure that the audio card works since when I run lubuntu live 12.04 on the same pc I can hear the audio output. Does anybody know what I’m missing to have the server edition play audio files?

EDIT: Well I found out the problem was the “Simple mixer control ‘PCM’,0” was off and this was the reason why the audio was not working. The command

amixer -c 0 set 'PCM' 90% on

did solve my problem. Well at least I think in this post there are all the command needed to activate audio on an ubuntu server. To display the current audio levels just type


and finally, after ‘PCM’, it is important to check that ‘Master’ is 100% on:

amixer -c 0 set Master 100% on

Ubuntu Network configuration

Want to activate DHCP instead of static address on startup:

Edit the file:


and check if there is a line for eth0 If not add the following:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Make bootable USB stick on OS X

1. Convert the .iso file to .img (MacOS like this one better although it may leave a .dmg at the end):

 hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso 

2. Insert your USB stick.

3. Find your device in the list (e.g. /dev/disk2):

diskutil list

4. Unmount it:

diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN

5. Copy files using /dev/rdisk instead of /dev/disk –> faster:

sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m

6. Now properly eject the USB:

diskutil eject /dev/diskN


**I take these steps from the Ubuntu Webpage. It’s perfect.

Eclipse 4 IDE download and set for simple JavaFX 8 application development

Step 0. Install Java 8 jdk for your system. We are gonna develop under Java 8.

Step 1. Download Eclipse IDE 4.4 Luna from here.

Step 2. Install the latest nightly build of e(fx)clipse plugin necessary for Java FX Development. Do the following:
Open eclipse, go to Help -> Install new Software paste the following in the site field: http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/updates-nightly/site
Check the first package (e(fx)clipse IDE) and install it. After finishing, it will ask you to restart the IDE.

Now under File->New ->Other… The JavaFX Project is available.


Set Eclipse IDE for e4 RCP Development

This describes how to download and configure eclipse for RCP development.

Install Eclipse and DeltaPack

1. Go to the latest eclipse builds webpage.
2. Choose the eclipse version you wish, (i like latest stable build).
3. From this page download the following:
        Eclipse SDK containing the base eclipse IDE.
        DeltaPack – is a set of libraries useful to compile and export a product to many platforms.
4. Move the downloaded DeltaPack to to a folder in the eclipse folder (for example delta_pack/).
5. Set the deltaPack libraries in your target. (Go to eclipse preferences, Plugin Development, Target Platform. Edit the actual target, in Locations Add…, Installation, and set the deltaPack folder we just copied). And you should be able to export your project for different platforms as usual from the product.

Install e4 Tools

This will add some tools which will help you to edit the configuration xml files like the Application Model.
Within Eclipse IDE go to Help menu, Install New Software… and install the e4Tools from the (4.4 Luna) link: http://download.vogella.com/luna/e4tools (or Kepler) link: http://download.vogella.com/kepler/e4tools . These are the links from the vogella’s  website which are usually up to date. You can also use the ones from the official e4Tools page. (This links are taken from http://blog.vogella.com/2014/01/21/eclipse-e4-tools-update-site-for-kepler-and-luna/). Install at least eclipse 4 core tools.


Others install repositories:
EGit: http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates


Extra: Create an RCP application and include JavaFX.
To run with java 7.6 add e(fx)clips 0.9.0 site to the target : http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/runtime-released/0.9.0/site select Target Platform Feature and remove the “Include required software” check.

Target Runtime latest version (Only if you will run the application for using Java8) – http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/runtime-nightly/site
IDE Latest version Starting with keppler (Also requires run Eclipse IDE using Java 8. although developing for Java 7 is possible setting a java7 target run) – http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/updates-nightly/site
Are the correct ones!



Linux step by step Eclipse kepler 4.3.2 configuration – Running with java 1.7.0_60

1. Download Eclipse SDK 4.3.2 and Delta pack for it from:  http://archive.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/

2. Inside eclipse install E4Tools from the p2 repository, only the CoreTools is required:  http://download.vogella.com/kepler/e4tools

3. Create a new target containing the actual eclipse home folder, the e(fx)clipse runtime site, and a new installation with the deltaPack.
3.1 The efxclipse runtime site is:  http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/runtime-released/0.9.0/site select target feature for kepler and remove the the “Include required software” check.
3.2 Add the deltaPack to the target using Add… Installation.

4. You have to add an additional update site for Xtext which is not preconfigured yet for your. The update site is:  http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/xtext/updates/composite/releases/ Simply go to install new software and try the link.

5. Install the e(fx)clipse IDE Kepler from the following p2 repository:  http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/updates-released/0.9.0/site/
Only the Basic component from single components is required but the Kepler install can be installed, this includes all.



Install maven Mac OS

Use brew to install apache maven. At the time of publication of this entry, the latest stable version is Apache Maven 3.2.1 .

Copy paste the following in terminal:
1.Update brew and get the latest packages.

 brew update

2.Search for maven in brew.

 brew info maven

This should output something like:

maven: stable 3.2.1
Not installed
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/commits/master/Library/Formula/maven.rb

3. Install maven.

 brew install maven

Write LaTeX documents in Eclipse IDE

\mathbf{L\!\!^{{}_{\scriptstyle A}} \!\!\!\!\!\;\; T\!_{\displaystyle E} \! X} is a document preparation system and document markup language. It is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents and for writing books. LaTeX refers to the encoding or tagging conventions that are used in LaTeX documents. Almost any word-processor may be used to write LaTeX documents, although there are many editing programs written specially to make using LaTeX easy (Wikipedia).

This is how to prepare Eclipse IDE for LaTeX.

  1. Install the latex core tools. For Mac OS download and install the MacTeX Distribution(2.3GB).
  2. Install the TeXlipse plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace that provides LaTeX and BibTex editors, a project creation wizard and additional features.
  3. Install the PDF4Eclipse plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace which is perfectly suited to work as a viewer for documents created by TeXlipse.

Go to Eclipse Preferences -> Texlipse -> Builder Settings and link the Eclipse plugin with the latex tools. In Mac OS, the distribution is installed by default in /usr/local/texlive/2013/bin/x86_64-darwin/ and /usr/local/bin . The configuration should look like the image below:

Builder Settings

Builder Settings


Open the Latex perspective in Eclipse and … happy writing!